医療機関名 | 広島医療生活協同組合 広島共立病院 |
所在地 | 広島県広島市安佐南区中須二丁目20番20号 |
設立 | 1977年 |
職員数 | 401名 |
看護師数 | 200人 |
病床数 | 186床(個室率29%) ・ 2階病棟(内科・循環器内科・消化器内科・HCU)41床 (HCU8床、個室5床) ・ 3階西病棟(外科・整形外科・小児科・耳鼻いんこう科・皮膚科)45床 (個室11床) ・ 3階東病棟(回復期リハビリテーション病棟)44床(個室8床) ・ 4階西病棟(地域包括ケア病棟)37床(個室11床) ・ 4階東病棟(緩和ケア内科病棟)19床(全室個室) |
診療科目 | 内科・呼吸器内科・消化器内科・循環器内科・糖尿病内科・内視鏡内科・脳神経内科・小児科・外科・心臓血管外科・消化器外科・乳腺外科・内視鏡外科・肛門外科・整形外科・脳神経外科・精神科・皮膚科・泌尿器科・婦人科・眼科・耳鼻いんこう科・リハビリテーション科・麻酔科・放射線科・病理診断科・緩和ケア内科 健診・禁煙支援外来 |
看護基準 | 一般病棟入院基本料7対1(平均在院日数18日以内)看護師比率80%以上 |
諸学会認定 研修教育指定 | 厚生労働省 基幹型臨床研修指定病院 卒後臨床研修評価機構 臨床JCEP認定病院 日本内科学会教育関連病院 日本消化器病学会関連教育施設 日本整形外科学会認定医制度研修施設 日本外科学会外科専門医制度関連施設 日本外科学会認定医制度修練施設 日本泌尿器科学会専門医教育施設 日本手外科学会認定手外科研修施設 日本病態栄養学会認定栄養管理・NST実施施設 日本静脈経腸栄養学会NST稼動認定施設 日本栄養療法推進協議会NST稼動施設 |
内科 :循環器、消化器、糖尿病内科、一般内科があり、冠動脈カテーテル治療、ベースメーカー植え込み、胃や大腸内視鏡検査、糖尿病の教育入院など総合的に行っています。人工透析は行っていません。
外科 :消化器疾患・乳癌を中心とした手術を行っています。脳神経外科の手術は行っていません。
整形外科:一般的な骨折の手術・術後リハビリを行っています。股関節や手の専門医が在籍 しており、開業医から多くの紹介を受けています。
リハビリテーション科:脳血管、運動器、呼吸器、心臓大血管のすべてのリハビリテーションに対応しています。3階の回復期リハビリテーション病棟では脳血管疾患、運動器疾患の リハビリテーションを行っています。理学療法、作業療法、言語療法士も多数います。
小児科 :当院は安佐南区唯一の小児が入院できる病棟です。
2000年 4月より日本では介護保険制度が始まり、「介護の社会化」うたわれ、措置制度か ら契約制度へと福祉制度の大きな転換となりました。患者が介護サービスを受けるためには、まず医師の診察後に介護認定を受け、契約を結びます。介護サービスは有料で本人も1割から3割の負担が必要です。また介護度により介護サービスに上限額が設けられています。
短期入所生活介護事業所 (シヨートステイ)、訪問リハビリテーション、通所リハビリテーション(デイケア)、通所介護(デイサービス)、小規模多機能型居宅介護を行っています。
The Hiroshima Medical cooperative has a 186-bed Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital, three medical clinics, and a dental clinic. Members can use these facilities when they get sick. Each facility has member’s committee to reflect the opinions of the members upon operation.
The three clinics of medical cooperative are conducting medical activities centered on internal medicine. We conduct distinctive activities rooted in the community, such as outpatient service as well as health checkup, home care, day service and so on.
The three clinics and Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital are closely tied up. Most of the blood test and urinalysis collected at the clinic are carried out at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital, and image inspection such as CT and MRI are also conducted at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital. If patients in clinics need to be hospitalized,they are referred to Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital.
The medical clinics and Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital share the electronic medical record with each other, and the data is centrally managed at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital. The hospital and clinics can refer to electronic medical records of other facilities. This allows patients to receive treatment smoothly even if they use both clinics and hospital.
Main departments of Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital are as follows.
Internal medicine has specialists of Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, diabetes, general internal medicine. They can perform coronary catheter intervention, pacemaker implantation, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, diabetes education hospitalization and so on. Because there is no specialist of nephrology , hemodialysis is not available.
Surgery to perform surgery for digestive system diseases and breast cancer. Neurosurgeon is not working.
Orthopedic surgery to perform surgery such as hip joints replacement and hand surgery etc.
Department of Rehabilitation to support all rehabilitation of cerebrovascular, musculoskeltal, respiratory or cardiovascular diseases. In the rehabilitation ward , they do rehabilitation of cerebrovascular disease and musculoskeltal disease. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists are also working.
Pediatrics: Kyoritsu hospital is the only hospital to admit children in Asaminami area in Hiroshima city.
Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital deals with secondary emergency cases in Hiroshima city. The hospital accepts ambulances every day and accepts about 1,600 cars per year. In the daytime,we accept emergency patients in all departments but during weekend and nighttime, emergency is limited to internal medicine patients. The hospital accepts about 13% of the ambulance cases in Asaminami-area.
Hiroshima University hospital, Hiroshima prefectural hospital, Hiroshima city hospital are responsible for tertiary emergency cases in Hiroshima prefecture.
Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital plays an important role as a medical institution for inpatient treatment for acute disease or exacerbations of chronic diseases, rehabilitation for recovery stages of stroke and orthopedic surgery patients and palliative care.
From April 2000, the nursing-care insurance system was introdunced in Japan, “socialization of nursing care” started, when the welfare system became a major shift from the measures system to the contract system. In order for a patient to receive nursing care services, at first patient needs to get nursing care certification after consultation with a a doctor. A nursing care service is charged and people needs to pay 10% of their service fee.
In addition, the upper limit is set for nursing care service depending on the level of patient’s disablity.
As home care related projects, we provide short stay service, day service, day care within visiting nursing stations (Momiji, Enokawa), helper station. Three clinics also has day service room for elderly people.
We have three home nursing care support offices,where care managers prepare a care plan and also they serve as a center for various consultations in the community.
Since 2006, we have entrusted Hiroshima city with the consultation of Hiroshima City, we operate the comprehensive center of Yasa-Asanami region, and a system to receive wide consultation such as nursing care prevention plan for “need support”, advocacy of rights of elderly people It is preparing.
There is a counseling room at Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital, who is in charge of consultation of patients and their families as a necessity of cooperation regardless of discharge to home or entry of facilities. We are collaborating with nursing care service providing facilities such as care managers and helper stations to link medical care and nursing care.
Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital is a cooperative hospital of two aged health care facilities in Anzanami-ku and one special nursing home for the aged. In addition, when the patient worsens the condition in a welfare facility such as a group home or a medical hospital, he / she is introduced to our hospital for hospital treatment.